Welcome to

Oasis of Healing Spa

with Salt Rooms

We're not your average spa.

Our space is designed to help you relax, breathe, & listen to the cues of your body.

We offer a variety of Holistic treatment techniques which are effective, natural and mutually complementary to help relieve ailments and restore a natural state of

health & well-being by gently stimulating the body’s inherent abilities to heal itself.

Our team of intuitive healers are here to help guide you on your journey through

Self Healing & Self Discovery!

Our Spa Services


The salt aerosol and negative ions released into the salt room produce an atmosphere that is beneficial in

multiple ways. The micron-sized salt particles are Negatively charged ions that balance out

the Positive charged ions created by

stress or polluted, noisy or chaotic environments.

Benefits of Halotherapy Salt Rooms

Mind: Clears anxiety, sinus issues, and fatigue

Body: Improves circulation, or healing recovery time

Enhances athletic stamina and endurance

Lungs: Asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia,

cough, colds, snoring, sleep problems, COPD,

flu, or emphysema

Skin: Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne

One 45 min session in the salt room is equivalent to 3 days sea side for calming your nervous system!

Can be beneficial for:

·Asthma ·Anxiety ·Respiratory issues ·Ear infection

·Bronchitis ·Stress ·Skin conditions

German New Medicine +
Head - Chest Massage

German New Medicine takes a bio-logical approach to why the body would choose certain symptoms as a way of helping you stay alive or heal after you resolved a conflict on your own. The psyche-brain-organ connection.

When you innerstand why, or what was going on when the symptoms started, and how to read your own body's intuitive language, you can resolve or choose a new perspective

in any situation.

Most symptoms are the body's natural healing work.
Learning the 'why' gives you power in your healing journey.

Energy work is an ancient practice of connecting to your body's natural ability to heal itself.

Whether you are looking for emotional trauma healing, energy level balancing, or to develop yourself spiritually, energy work has endless advantages. It is a non-invasive approach to energy transfer that is extremely effective in promoting overall wellness. Through the energy transfer, the body is able to restore balance across all systems of the mind, body, and spirit. This creates harmony and your treatment promotes the consistent and unlocked flow of energy throughout the body. You will feel less stress, enhanced learning and memory, mental clarity, plus physical healing/ less physical pain.

Can be beneficial for:

· Breathing · Anxiety · Circulation · Heart Rate

· Depression · Stress

Soundbath Healing

Sound healing is the combination of different vibrations and frequencies to assist in healing the energetic field for your mind, body, and spirit.

It is a meditative experience where those in attendance are "bathed" in sound waves.

Frequency sound healing sessions are a type of music therapy that is known to help with concentration, focus, mental health, and boosting your overall energy. It encourages relaxation and brings your body into a calm parasympathetic state (rest & digest). When in this relaxed state, our bodies produce nitric oxide, a molecule responsible for expanding blood vessels and increasing blood flow.

Can be beneficial for:

· Sleep · Anxiety · Digestion · Self Regulation

· Depression ·Blood Pressure


Reflexology rests on the ancient Chinese belief in Qi (pronounced “chee”), or “vital energy.” According to this belief, qi flows through each person. When a person feels stressed, their body blocks Qi.

This can cause an imbalance in the body that leads to illness. Reflexology aims to keep Qi flowing through the body, keeping it balanced and disease free.

In Chinese medicine, different body parts correspond with different pressure points on the body. Reflexologists use maps of these points in the feet, hands, and ears to determine where they should apply pressure.

They believe their touch sends energy flowing through a person’s body until it reaches the area in need of healing

Can be beneficial for:

·Improve circulation ·Back pain ·Nerve function

·Digestion ·Infertility ·Headaches ·Menstrual pain


The PEMF mat oxygenates your blood, restructures your cells, and grounds your electromagnetic field back to the natural circadian rhythms of Mother Earth. Helps with different ailments, stamina, clear WIFI or EMF smog and energy. Connects you to your circadian rhythm and increases negatively charged ions to balance the body

Enjoy an 8 minute session on our PEMF grounding mat followed by 45 min in the salt room to really relax.

Our most common comment is
"I don't want to leave!"

Reiki Energy Sessions

Reiki is a form of energy for relaxing and opening up the body's natural meridian systems.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based

on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.

Similar to when your hands tingle after rubbing them together quickly. The exchange of energy between your hands can communicate

with your body in a way to heal or release pent up emotions or stress.

Can be beneficial for:
·Improve circulation ·Sleep issues ·Breathing ·Digestion ·pain
stagnant or stuck energy ·Headaches ·Overall wellness

Our Services for Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Quantum Human Design

Quantum Human Design Readings for

Personal & Business

Learn your strengths, who you best help, what your main soul themes are for this lifetime based on the exact time, date and location of your birth. Gain some clarity & look at some solutions to feel more empowered!

Packages available:

· Quantum Energy Clearing w/Reading
· 4-hr Business Pampering Day

· Business Coaching Based on Your Human Design

Own Your Lane

Coaching Business

Training & Support

Coaching Business Training & Support

Personalized Program

This is a 4-month guided Training Program to develop

your unique Coaching Business.

Does a business helping people with emotional regulation tools interest you?

Do you currently have a healing or coaching business and feel numb or uninspired?

Do you want to feel deeply connected to your transformational offerings?

Do you want to feel nurtured as you grow in developing your business?

The Real Royal You

An Expansion Program for Entrepreneurs

Growth support for business owners and leaders who are expanding their impact

You take care of others, let us take care of YOU so that you can truly bring all of yourself to your work and your life. Your next level will require a new level of intimacy (into-me-see), new depths of understanding, and a larger capacity to expand. The Real Royal You program is designed to support you through that process as you find levels of greater awareness & inner confidence.

The Authentic Soul Community

The Authentic Soul Community is a place

to learn, get curious, have fun, ask questions and practice new skills

with positive like-minded community.

Two Community Calls Each Week:



Soul Aligned Business

Get Clear So People Can See You! Through the lens of Quantum Human Design and German New Medicine we look at how you can build your business from a place of your unique Authentic strengths. Know your aspects, your gifts, and your shadows so that you can feel strong and confident in who you are and what you have to offer. We get crystal clear on how you can communicate to your audience, your best collaborations, and offers that light you up and have impact.



In-To-Me-See: Intimacy & Communication

We explore relationship development - how to communicate in authentic and effective ways in our relationships. We look at ways we can honour ourselves and others in our communication styles to create more harmony. We learn how to distinguish what feels good in our own body and how to communicate our needs to others in a way that feels safe.

$ 84.00 CAD per month

"Every time I'm in the salt room, it takes me to a magical place. Last year I did not get sick once ... I think it might have been because I used their salt room every week:)

The owner takes much care in making sure you have a pleasant and fulfilling experience. Being in their salt room is an enchanting experience which takes my meditation to a much deeper place."

~ Kinga. B.

"This is an amazing new and natural therapy for people like me who have been suffering forever from allergies and chronic sinusitis. Just few sessions cleared my earache and sinuses"

~ Patricia A.

"I feel that my six sessions at the Healing Oasis completely rejuvenated me and kick-started my body into healing and weight-loss. The most amazing result was reduction in the appearance of spider veins on my legs. I have had them for over five years from a skiing accident with no change but by the end of my time with the spa, they were noticeably fewer."

~ Anna R.P.

"When I first picked up the phone several years ago and called Oasis of Healing for a reflexology and aromatherapy appointment, little did I know that together we were setting out on a journey that would gradually transform my life. With the expert touch, most of the tension in my body was released. Through conversation that was both caring and patient, we worked our way past a lot more, too, and I was able to move forward with my life’s program. Keep up the wonderful work!"

~ Karen B.

© 2024 Oasis of Healing Spa -

With Salt Rooms | All Rights Reserved